Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Let Me Know

     Let me know if you stopped by to say a prayer.  If you have a request I will be glad to pray for You in return.
     Friends helping friends. United we stand.  Cat

Prayer Request

     May God bless you for stopping in and reading my request.
     I am not good at this,altough God tells us to ask,believe and recieve.
     My prayer request is to tell you what I have going on. I  take care of my Mom 24/7 as she is a stroke survivor of  3 1/2 years. She cannot walk,she can use her right hand to some extent.
My husband is aslo disabled,unable to hold a public job. 
      I have been an L.P.N. for  29 years.
I love caring for people.
    Now that I am a full time care giver,I am unable to work outside the home.  I now have no  health insurance and not able to aford any. My health is suffering because of it.  I have a bad shoulder problem,causing me to have lots of pain, making it very,very hard to take care of my mom.
I am going to a Dr. but have no money to pay but a few dollars at a time. Our property taxes are due.  It is as though things are overwelming us.
    I have always helped people and never ask for anything in return.
     My prayer now is for anyone out there that will really pray for our problem.
     I know Jesus will meet all our needs.

Thank you for taking the time to read and say a prayer for us.    God Bless you Cat